ASUS WL-500g

Die Platine nennt sich "ASUS WL-500G R2.40". Hier ein Bild vom Inneren:

Betrieben wird das Gerät nicht mehr mit der originalen ASUS-Firmware sondern einem modifizierten OpenWRT. , OpenWRT ist ein Linux für embedded systems), das sich so den eigenen Wünschen anpassen lässt - z.B. für die Teilnahme am Opennet Rostock (allerdings nicht von mir). Die neue Firmware wird mittels tftp aufgespielt (die Ausgabe von dmesg).

Der Router besitzt 3 Interfaces zwischen denen geroutet wird:

Das dynamische Routing im WLAN-Netz (und eventuell im WAN-Segment) übernimmt der OLSR-Daemon. Dynamisch sollte das Routing sein, weil sich die Erreichbarkeit der einzelnen APs im Netz ständig ändern kann, z.B. weil Laptops am Netz teilnehmen können, die per se mobil sind, sich die Qualität der Funkstrecken ändern oder auch einzelne APs abgeschaltet werden.

Außerdem laufen im Moment noch folgende Dienste:

Geplant ist noch, am USB-Port einen Stick oder eine externe Platte anzuschließen, um von außen auf Daten zugreifen zu können. Im Moment habe ich NAT und den IPFilter des Routers so konfiguriert, dass ich per ssh auf den Athlon 700 zugreifen kann - dazu muss der natürlich ständig in Betrieb sein.

Pimp my AP

Hier folgen nun all die Veränderungen, die ein solches Gerät aufwerten und die - sofern sie die Firmware betreffen - Dank Open Source auch recht einfach durchführbar sind. Es ist natürlich klar, dass bei allem, was im Inneren des Gerätes modifiziert wird, die Hersteller-Garantie erlicht. So, be warned!

Die Antenne

Da das Opennet-WLAN-Netz in meiner näheren Umgebung nicht sehr dicht ist, habe ich die Reichweite zunächst mit einer selbst gebauten BiQuad-Antenne erhöht. Die BiQuad ist eine Richtantenne und funktioniert recht gut. Der rechnerische Gewinn liegt etwas bei 8-10 dBi, vermessen wurde genau dieses Exemplar leider nicht; baugleiche Selbstbauten kamen auf ca. 8 dBi.

Später kam dann eine 8dBi-Omni, die das Signal weiter in die Umgebung streut, durch die Vertikale Fokusierung des Signals trotzdem fast die gleiche Reichweite hat, wie die BiQuad-Antenne.

Neue Firmware

Als erstes wird die Original-Firmware durch OpenWRT (Version "WHITE RUSSIAN (RC5-ON2)") ersetzt. Dazu muss der AP in in den Recovery-Mode versetzt werden (RESET-Knopf gedrückt halten während Strom eingeschaltet wird). Dann lauscht er am LAN-Interface (IP vorher feststellen), bis er per tftp ein neues Firmware-Image erhalten hat und rebootet dann; wie das genau geht, gibt es auf dieser OpenWRT-Seite. Nebenan ist ein Bild des Web-Interfaces zu sehen. Ganz rechts ist der Menu-Eintrag für die Opennet-Erweiterungen zu erkennen. Mit dem wechselt man zu dem folgenden Schirm. In den Formularen werden die Opennet-spezifischen Parameter einstellen.

Ist erstmal ein OpenWRT auf dem Router, kann die Firmware auch über dessen Web-Interface geupdatet werden. Außerdem lassen sich noch zusätzliche Pakete mit dem Paketverwaltungtool ipkg installieren.

Das erste nachinstallierte Paket ist das Opennet-Firmware-Paket. Am einfachsten, indem es per scp auf den AP geladen und mittels ipkg opennet-firmware_0.11ipkg-8_mipsel.ipk installiert wird.

Dannach ist noch ein bischen Flash-Speicher frei:

root@OpenWrt:~# df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                 1.8M      1.8M         0 100% /rom
/dev/mtdblock/4           1.5M    608.0k    928.0k  40% /
none                      7.0M     40.0k      7.0M   1% /tmp

Externer Speicher

Da bietet es sich an, den USB-Anschluss des AP für eine Erweiterung des Speichers zu nutzen. Dazu werden noch folgende Pakete mit den nachzuladende Kernel-Module benötigt:

Das ROOT-Filesysten im Flash-Speicher ist damit schon ein bischen gefüllter:

root@OpenWrt:/usr/lib/ipkg/info# df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                 1.8M      1.8M         0 100% /rom
/dev/mtdblock/4           1.5M    832.0k    704.0k  54% /
none                      7.0M     52.0k      7.0M   1% /tmp

Jetzt müssen die Kernel-Module nur noch geladen werden und der USB-Stick kann als Datenspeicher dienen.

Buffalo WHR-G54S

Die Hardware

Obwohl das Gerät deutlich kleiner ist, als der ASUS, ist die Hardware - die CPU - des Buffalo deutlich leistungsfähiger.

Im Gegensatz zum ASUS ist der Buffalo auf das wesentliche reduziert: er besitzt 4 LAN- und 1 WAN-Interface, sowie (natürlich) das WLAN-Interface mit der üblichen Stummelantenne. Es fehlen also die USB- und Printerbuchse.

Dafür besitzt der AP intern sowohl JTAG- als auch eine serielle Schnittstelle. Die sind allerdings nicht nach draußen geführt (das wird vielleicht später mal nachgeholt - zwecks Spielerei in den Innereien).

Die Software

Der Büffel soll aber im Prinzip die gleichen Aufgaben wahrnehmen, wie der ASUS. Deshalb fliegt auch hier sofort die Original-Firmware runter und der AP bekommt die gleiche OpenWRT-basierte Firmware, wie der WL500. Allerdings gibt es mittlerweile ein fertiges Image der ON-Firmware (openwrt-0.9on5-brcm-2.4-squashfs.trx), so dass der Umweg, zuerst ein OpenWRT zu installieren, entfällt. Das Flashen mittels tftp funktioniert im Prinzip genauso, wie beim ASUS und wird bei OpenWRT im Detail erklärt (die Default-IP am LAN-Interface ist Zwar bietet das Buffalo-eigene Web-Interface eine Update-Möglichkeit; allerdings ist nicht klar, ob die Firmware-Images (.trx) sich so flashen lassen. Die tftp-Methode funktioniert jedenfalls.

Das Filesystem ist danach noch recht leer - da könnte man also noch einiges zusätzlich installieren und laufen lassen:

root@OpenWrt:~# df -h
Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/root                 1.9M      1.9M         0 100% /rom
none                      7.0M     44.0k      6.9M   1% /tmp
/dev/mtdblock/4           1.3M    368.0k    976.0k  27% /jffs
/jffs                     1.9M      1.9M         0 100% /

Das Web-Interface (sowohl OpenWRT als auch Opennet), über das die wesentlichen Funktionen des APs administriert werden können, sieht genauso aus, wie auch beim ASUS. Es ist aber natürlich auch ein Login per slogin auf der Konsole möglich, so dass man das Linux-System in vollen Zügen erkunden kann. Hier z.B. die Ausgabe von dmesg. Und überhaupt hat man jetzt ein komplettes (Debian-basiertes) Linux einschließlich eines brauchbaren Package-Systems. Und damit kann man dann auch alles machen, was so ein Debian kann.

Das Paket-System

Die Liste der installierten Packages erhält man mit ipkg list_installed:

root@OpenWrt:~# ipkg list_installed
base-files - 9 - OpenWrt filesystem structure and scripts
base-files-brcm - 2 - Board/architecture specific files
bridge - 1.0.6-1 - Ethernet bridging tools
busybox - 1.00-5 - Core utilities for embedded Linux systems
dnsmasq - 2.35-1 - A lightweight DNS and DHCP server
dropbear - 0.48.1-1 - a small SSH 2 server/client designed for small memory environments.
haserl - 0.8.0-1 - a CGI wrapper to embed shell scripts in HTML documents
ip - 2.6.11-050330-1 - iproute2 routing control utility
ipkg - 0.99.149-2 - lightweight package management system
iptables - 1.3.3-2 - The netfilter firewalling software for IPv4
iwlib - 28.pre7-1 - Library for setting up WiFi cards using the Wireless Extension
kernel - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - 
kmod-diag - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for LEDs and buttons
kmod-ppp - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - PPP support
kmod-pppoe - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - PPP over Ethernet support
kmod-switch - 2.4.30-brcm-1 - switch driver for robo/admtek switch
kmod-tun - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel TUN/TAP extension
libgcc - 3.4.4-9 - GCC support library
liblzo - 2.02-1 - a real-time data compression library
libopenssl - 0.9.8d-1 - OpenSSL (Secure Socket Layer) libraries
mtd - 5 - Tool for modifying the flash chip
ntpclient - 2003_194-2 - NTP client for setting system time from NTP servers.
nvram - 1 - NVRAM utility and libraries for Broadcom hardware
olsrd - 0.4pre0.5-2007030400-1 - The OLSR daemon
olsrd-mod-httpinfo - 0.4pre0.5-2007030400-1 - a small informative web server plugin for olsrd
opennet-firmware - 0.11ipkg-13 - The complete Opennet-Firmware in one package
opennet-kmod-brcm-wl - 0.1 - broadcom wl driver with freifunk fixed bssid hack (ad-hoc only, no wep)
opennet-kmod-wlcompat - 0.1 - Compatibility module for using the Wireless Extension with broadcom's wl (works with freifunk fixed bssid hack)
opennet-wificonf - 0.1 - Replacement utility for wlconf (works with freifunk fixed bssid hack)
openssl-util - 0.9.8d-1 - OpenSSL (Secure Socket Layer) command line tool
openvpn - 2.0.8-1 - Open Source VPN solution using SSL
ppp - 2.4.3-7 - a PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) daemon (with MPPE/MPPC support)
ppp-mod-pppoe - 2.4.3-7 - a PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet) plugin for PPP
uclibc - 0.9.27-9 - Standard C library for embedded Linux systems
webif - 0.2-1 - A modular, extensible web interface for OpenWrt.
wireless-tools - 28.pre7-1 - Tools for setting up WiFi cards using the Wireless Extension
wl - 3.90.37-1 - Proprietary Broadcom utility for setting wireless driver parameters
Successfully terminated.

Man kann noch ne Menge mehr installieren - prinzipiell. Ob das immer Sinn hat, ist eine andere Sache. Was alles, bekommt man mit ipkg list heraus:

root@OpenWrt:~# ipkg list
aiccu - 2005.01.31-1 - SixXS Automatic IPv6 Connectivity Client Utility
arptables - 0.0.3-1 - ARP firewalling software
arpwatch - 2.1a11-1 - Ethernet monitor program for keeping track of ethernet/ip address pairings
asterisk - 1.0.10-1 - An open source PBX
asterisk-chan-mgcp - 1.0.10-1 - a Media Gateway Control Protocol implementation for Asterisk
asterisk-chan-skinny - 1.0.10-1 - a Skinny Client Control Protocol implementation for Asterisk
asterisk-codec-ilbc - 1.0.10-1 - an Internet Low Bitrate Codec (ILBC) Translator for Asterisk
asterisk-codec-lpc10 - 1.0.10-1 - an LPC10 (Linear Predictor Code) 2.4kbps Voice Coder for Asterisk
asterisk-codec-speex - 1.0.10-1 - a Speex/PCM16 Codec Translator for Asterisk
asterisk-mini - 1.0.10-1 - A minimal open source PBX
asterisk-mysql - 1.0.10-1 - MySQL modules for Asterisk
asterisk-pbx-dundi - 1.0.10-1 - Distributed Universal Number Discovery (DUNDi) support for Asterisk
asterisk-pgsql - 1.0.10-1 - PostgreSQL modules for Asterisk
asterisk-res-agi - 1.0.10-1 - Asterisk Gateway Interface module
asterisk-sounds - 1.0.10-1 - a sounds collection for Asterisk
asterisk-voicemail - 1.0.10-1 - VoiceMail related modules for Asterisk
autoipd - 1.0.0-1 - an IPv4 Link-Local address self-assigner daemon
base-files - 9 - OpenWrt filesystem structure and scripts
base-files-brcm - 2 - Board/architecture specific files
bridge - 1.0.6-1 - Ethernet bridging tools
busybox - 1.00-5 - Core utilities for embedded Linux systems
bwm - 1.1.0-1 - A very tiny bandwidth monitor
chat - 2.4.3-7 - Utility for establishing a connection with the ISP's PPP server (e.g. via Modem)
chillispot - 1.0-1 - ChilliSpot is a Wireless LAN Access Point Controller.
cifsmount - 1.5-2 - mount.cifs helper application for mounting remote CIFS shares
comgt - 0.3-1 - Option GlobeTrotter GPRS/EDGE/3G/HSDPA and Vodafone 3G/GPRS datacard control tool
cups - 1.1.23-2 - Common Unix Printing System
dhcp-forwarder - 0.7-4 - a DHCP relay agent
dnsmasq - 2.35-1 - A lightweight DNS and DHCP server
dropbear - 0.48.1-1 - a small SSH 2 server/client designed for small memory environments.
dropbearconvert - 0.48.1-1 - Utility for converting SSH keys
dsl-qos-queue - 0.9.3-1 - ADSL/ATM Bandwith management
dsniff - 2.3-2 - collection of tools for network auditing and penetration testing
ebtables - 2.0.8-rc2-1 - Ethernet bridge firewalling software
ez-ipupdate - 3.0.11b8-2 - a client for dynamic DNS services
fakeidentd - 2.2-1 - A static, secure identd.
fping - 2.4b2_to-ipv6-1 - A program to ping hosts in parallel
fprobe - 1.1-1 - NetFlow probe
freeradius - 1.0.5-1 - a flexible RADIUS server
freeradius-democerts - 1.0.5-1 - a set of certificates to test FreeRADIUS
freeradius-mod-chap - 1.0.5-1 - a CHAP module for FreeRADIUS
freeradius-mod-detail - 1.0.5-1 - a detailed accounting module for FreeRADIUS
freeradius-mod-eap - 1.0.5-1 - an EAP module for FreeRADIUS
freeradius-mod-eap-gtc - 1.0.5-1 - an EAP/GTC module for FreeRADIUS
freeradius-mod-eap-md5 - 1.0.5-1 - an EAP/MD5 module for FreeRADIUS
freeradius-mod-eap-mschapv2 - 1.0.5-1 - an EAP/MS-CHAPv2 module for FreeRADIUS
freeradius-mod-eap-peap - 1.0.5-1 - an EAP/PEAP module for FreeRADIUS
freeradius-mod-eap-tls - 1.0.5-1 - an EAP/TLS module for FreeRADIUS
freeradius-mod-eap-ttls - 1.0.5-1 - an EAP/TTLS module for FreeRADIUS
freeradius-mod-files - 1.0.5-1 - a module for FreeRADIUS, using local files for authorization
freeradius-mod-ldap - 1.0.5-1 - an LDAP module for FreeRADIUS
freeradius-mod-mschap - 1.0.5-1 - an MS-CHAP and MS-CHAPv2 module for FreeRADIUS
freeradius-mod-pap - 1.0.5-1 - a PAP module for FreeRADIUS
freeradius-mod-preprocess - 1.0.5-1 - a request preprocessing module for FreeRADIUS
freeradius-mod-realm - 1.0.5-1 - a realm module for FreeRADIUS
freeradius-mod-sql - 1.0.5-1 - an SQL module for FreeRADIUS
freeradius-mod-sql-mysql - 1.0.5-1 - a MySQL module for FreeRADIUS
freeradius-mod-sql-pgsql - 1.0.5-1 - a PostgreSQL module for FreeRADIUS
freeradius-mod-sqlcounter - 1.0.5-1 - a Generic SQL Counter module for FreeRADIUS
freeradius-utils - 1.0.5-1 - some client utilities for FreeRADIUS
frickin - 1.3-1 - PPTP (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) proxy
fuse-utils - 2.2.1-1 - Filesystem in Userspace (utilities)
glib1 - 1.2.10-1 - The GLib library of C routines
haserl - 0.8.0-1 - a CGI wrapper to embed shell scripts in HTML documents
horst - 1.2.2 - Provides highly optimized radio scanning
howl-utils - 1.0.0-1 - a ZeroConf (aka RendezVous) implementation (utilities)
htpdate - 0.8.2-1 - an HTP (Hypertext Time Protocol) implementation
ip - 2.6.11-050330-1 - iproute2 routing control utility
ip6tables - 1.3.3-2 - The netfilter firewalling software for IPv6
ipkg - 0.99.149-2 - lightweight package management system
ipkg-sh - 0.99.149-2 - lightweight package management system (shell version)
iptables - 1.3.3-2 - The netfilter firewalling software for IPv4
iptables-extra - 1.3.3-2 - Other extra Iptables extensions (meta-package)
iptables-mod-conntrack - 1.3.3-2 - Iptables (IPv4) extensions for connection tracking
iptables-mod-extra - 1.3.3-2 - Other extra Iptables (IPv4) extensions
iptables-mod-filter - 1.3.3-2 - Iptables (IPv4) extension for packet content inspection
iptables-mod-imq - 1.3.3-2 - Iptables (IPv4) extensions for Intermediate Queuing Device QoS-support
iptables-mod-ipopt - 1.3.3-2 - Iptables (IPv4) extensions for matching/changing IP packet options
iptables-mod-ipsec - 1.3.3-2 - Iptables (IPv4) extensions for matching special IPsec packets
iptables-mod-nat - 1.3.3-2 - Iptables (IPv4) extensions for different NAT targets
iptables-mod-ulog - 1.3.3-2 - Iptables (IPv4) extension for user-space packet logging
iptables-utils - 1.3.3-2 - iptables-save and iptables-restore for Iptables (IPv4)
iwlib - 28.pre7-1 - Library for setting up WiFi cards using the Wireless Extension
kernel - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - 
kismet - 2006-04-R1-1 - kismet
kismet-client - 2006-04-R1-1 - The kismet client
kismet-drone - 2006-04-R1-1 - The kismet drone
kismet-server - 2006-04-R1-1 - The kismet server
kmod-arptables - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - ARP firewalling kernel modules
kmod-bluetooth - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Bluetooth stack kernel modules
kmod-bluetooth-bfusb - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Bluetooth HCI BlueFRITZ! USB driver
kmod-bluetooth-bluecard - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Bluetooth HCI BlueCard (PC Card) driver
kmod-bluetooth-bt3c - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Bluetooth HCI BT3C (PC Card) drive
kmod-bluetooth-btuart - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Bluetooth HCI UART (PC Card) driver.
kmod-bluetooth-dtl1 - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Bluetooth HCI DTL1 (PC Card) driver
kmod-bluetooth-hciuart - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Bluetooth HCI UART driver
kmod-bluetooth-hciusb - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Bluetooth HCI USB driver
kmod-bluetooth-hcivhci - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Bluetooth Virtual HCI device driver
kmod-bonding - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel ethernet bonding driver
kmod-brcm-wl - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Proprietary driver for Broadcom Wireless chipsets
kmod-cifs - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for CIFS support
kmod-crypto - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - CryptoAPI kernel modules
kmod-diag - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for LEDs and buttons
kmod-ebtables - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Ethernet bridge firewalling kernel modules
kmod-ext2 - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for EXT2 filesystem support
kmod-ext3 - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for EXT3 filesystem support
kmod-fuse - 2.4.30brcm+2.2.1-1 - Filesystem in Userspace (kernel module)
kmod-gre - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel GRE tunneling support
kmod-hfsplus - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for HFS+ filesystem support
kmod-ide - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules IDE support
kmod-imq - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel support for the Intermediate Queueing device
kmod-ip6tables - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for ip6tables
kmod-ipip - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - kernel modules for IP in IP encapsulation
kmod-ipt-conntrack - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Extra Netfilter (IPv4) kernel modules for connection tracking
kmod-ipt-extra - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Other extra Netfilter (IPv4) kernel modules
kmod-ipt-filter - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Netfilter (IPv4) kernel modules for packet content inspection
kmod-ipt-ipopt - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Netfilter (IPv4) kernel modules for matching/changing IP packet options
kmod-ipt-ipsec - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Netfilter (IPv4) kernel modules for matching special IPsec packets
kmod-ipt-nat - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Netfilter (IPv4) kernel modules for different NAT targets
kmod-ipt-nat-default - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Default Netfilter (IPv4) NAT kernel modules for special protocols
kmod-ipt-nat-extra - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Extra Netfilter (IPv4) NAT kernel modules for special protocols
kmod-ipt-nat-h323 - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Netfilter (IPv4) NAT kernel modules for H.323
kmod-ipt-nat-pptp - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Netfilter (IPv4) NAT kernel modules for GRE and PPTP
kmod-ipt-nat-rtsp - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Netfilter (IPv4) NAT kernel modules for RTSP
kmod-ipt-queue - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Netfilter (IPv4) kernel module for user-space packet queuing
kmod-ipt-ulog - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Netfilter (IPv4) kernel module for user-space packet logging
kmod-iptables-extra - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Extra kernel modules for iptables
kmod-ipv6 - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for the IPv6 protocol
kmod-loop - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel module for mount loopback support
kmod-lp - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for parallel port support and line printer
kmod-madwifi - 2.4.30brcm+r1208-20060106-1 - Driver for Atheros 802.11a/b/g MiniPCI cards
kmod-minix - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for MINIX filesystem support
kmod-mppe - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Microsoft PPP Encryption/Compression support
kmod-msdos - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for MSDOS filesystem support
kmod-nfs - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for NFS support
kmod-nls-cp437 - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel module for NLS Codepage 437 (United States, Canada)
kmod-nls-cp850 - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel module for NLS Codepage 850 (Europe)
kmod-nls-iso8859-1 - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel module for ISO 8859-1 (Latin 1)
kmod-nls-iso8859-15 - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel module for ISO 8859-15 (Latin 9)
kmod-nls-koi8-r - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel module for KOI8-R (Russian)
kmod-nls-utf8 - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel module for NLS UTF-8
kmod-nozomi - 2.4.30-brcm-1 - Options Globetrotter HSDPA driver
kmod-openswan - 2.4.30brcm+2.4.6-2 - Openswan IPSec kernel module
kmod-pcmcia - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for PCMCIA support
kmod-pcmcia-serial - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - PCMCIA/CardBus serial device support
kmod-ppp - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - PPP support
kmod-pppoe - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - PPP over Ethernet support
kmod-pwc - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel driver for USB Philips Cameras
kmod-sched - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel schedulers for IP traffic
kmod-shfs - 2.4.30brcm+0.35-2 - SHell FileSystem Linux kernel module
kmod-softdog - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel software watchdog driver
kmod-switch - 2.4.30-brcm-1 - switch driver for robo/admtek switch
kmod-tun - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel TUN/TAP extension
kmod-usb-acm - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for USB ACM (Abstract Control Model) support
kmod-usb-core - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel Support for USB
kmod-usb-ohci - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel driver for OHCI USB controllers
kmod-usb-printer - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for USB Printer support
kmod-usb-scanner - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for USB Scanner support
kmod-usb-serial - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel Support for USB-to-Serial converters
kmod-usb-serial-belkin - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel Support for Belkin USB-to-Serial converters
kmod-usb-serial-ftdi - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel Support for FTDI USB-to-Serial converters
kmod-usb-serial-mct-u232 - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel Support for Magic Control Technology USB-to-Serial converters
kmod-usb-serial-pl2303 - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel Support for Prolific PL2303 USB-to-Serial converters
kmod-usb-serial-visor - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel Support for Handspring Visor / Palm m50x / Sony Clie
kmod-usb-storage - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for USB storage support
kmod-usb-uhci - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel driver for UHCI USB controllers
kmod-usb-uhci-iv - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel driver for Intel/VIA UHCI USB controllers
kmod-usb2 - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel driver for USB2 controllers
kmod-vfat - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for VFAT filesystem support
kmod-videodev - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Video For Linux kernel support
kmod-wlcompat - 2.4.30-brcm-4 - Compatibility module for using the Wireless Extension with broadcom's wl
kmod-wlcompat-debug - 2.4.30-brcm-4 - Compatibility module for using the Wireless Extension with broadcom's wl (debug)
kmod-xfs - 2.4.30-brcm-5 - Kernel modules for XFS filesystem support
l2tpd - 0.70pre-4 - A layer 2 tunneling protocol implementation.
lcd4linux - 0.10.0-1 - lcd software
libdb - 4.3.28-1 - disk file format database which stores key/data-pairs in single files
libelf - 0.8.5-1 - a library for accessing ELF objects
libevent - 1.1-1 - Event notification library for event-driven network servers
libfuse - 2.2.1-1 - Filesystem in Userspace (library)
libgcc - 3.4.4-9 - GCC support library
libgd - 2.0.33-1 - A library for the dynamic creation of images
libgdbm - 1.8.3-0 - disk file format database which stores key/data-pairs in single files
libgmp - 4.1.4-1 - GNU multiprecision arithmetic library
libhowl - 1.0.0-1 - a ZeroConf (aka RendezVous) implementation (library)
libltdl - 1.5.14-1 - a generic dynamic object loading library
liblua - 5.0.2-1 - LUA programming language shared libraries
liblzo - 2.02-1 - a real-time data compression library
libmatrixssl - 1.2.4-1 - an embedded SSL implementation
libmysqlclient - 4.0.24-2 - MySQL client library
libncurses - 5.2-7 - a terminal handling library and common terminal definitions
libnet - 1.0.2a-7 - a low-level packet creation library
libnetsnmp - 5.1.2-2 - SNMP shared libraries
libnids - 1.18-0 - implementation of an E-component of Network Intrusion Detection System.
libopenldap - 2.2.26-1 - OpenLDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) client libraries
libopenssl - 0.9.8d-1 - OpenSSL (Secure Socket Layer) libraries
libosip2 - 2.2.0-1 - GNU oSIP library, a SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) implementation
libpcap - 0.9.4-1 - a low-level packet capture library
libpcre - 5.0-3 - a Perl Compatible Regular Expression library
libpng - 1.2.8-1 - A library for reading/writing PNG images
libpopt - 1.7-4 - a command line option parsing library
libpq - 7.4.7-3 - PostgreSQL client library
libpthread - 0.9.27-1 - POSIX threads library
libradiusclient-ng - 0.5.2-1 - RADIUS client library
libreadline - 5.0-1 - Command lines edition library
libsasl2 - 2.1.20-1 - a general purpose authentication library
libspeex - 1.1.8-1 - an open source patent-free speech compression codec
libusb - 0.1.10a-1 - a Library for accessing Linux USB devices
lighttpd - 1.4.11-2 - a flexible and lightweight web server,
lighttpd-mod-alias - 1.4.11-2 - a directory alias module for lighttpd
lighttpd-mod-auth - 1.4.11-2 - an authentication module for lighttpd
lighttpd-mod-cgi - 1.4.11-2 - a CGI module for lighttpd
lighttpd-mod-proxy - 1.4.11-2 - a proxy module for lighttpd
lighttpd-mod-redirect - 1.4.11-2 - an url redirection module for lighttpd
lighttpd-mod-rewrite - 1.4.11-2 - an url rewriting module for lighttpd
lighttpd-mod-setenv - 1.4.11-2 - an environment variable setting module for lighttpd
lighttpd-mod-simple-vhost - 1.4.11-2 - a simple virtual hosting module for lighttpd
lighttpd-mod-status - 1.4.11-2 - a server status display module for lighttpd
lighttpd-mod-usertrack - 1.4.11-2 - an user tracking module for lighttpd
lsusb - 0.71-1 - A program to list USB devices
lua - 5.0.2-1 - LUA programming language interpreter
lua-examples - 5.0.2-1 - LUA programming language examples
luac - 5.0.2-1 - LUA programming language compiler
madwifi-tools - r1208-20051209-1 - Driver utilities for Atheros 802.11a/b/g MiniPCI cards
maradns - - MaraDNS is a small, secure DNS Server
mdnsresponder - 1.0.0-1 - an mDNS (Multicast DNS) service responder daemon
microcom - 1.02-1 - serial terminal
microperl - 5.8.6-1 - Perl without operating-specific functions such as readdir.
monit - 4.5.1-1 - an utility for system services monitoring
mtd - 5 - Tool for modifying the flash chip
nas - 3.90.37-17 - Proprietary Broadcom WPA Authenticator/Supplicant
ndisc6 - 0.1.4-1 - ICMPv6 Neighbour Discovery tool
nfs-server - 2.2beta47-2 - User space NFS server
nifd - 1.0.0-1 - a network interface monitor daemon
nmap - 3.81-2 - Nmap is a free open source utility for network exploration or security auditing.
nocatsplash - 0.92-2 - NoCatSplash is an Open Public Network Gateway Daemon.
ntpclient - 2003_194-2 - NTP client for setting system time from NTP servers.
nvram - 1 - NVRAM utility and libraries for Broadcom hardware
olsrd - 0.4pre0.5-2007030400-1 - The OLSR daemon
olsrd - 0.4.10-1 - The OLSR daemon
olsrd-mod-dot-draw - 0.4.10-1 - a dot topology information plugin for olsrd
olsrd-mod-dyn-gw - 0.4.10-1 - a dynamic internet gateway plugin for olsrd
olsrd-mod-httpinfo - 0.4.10-1 - a small informative web server plugin for olsrd
olsrd-mod-httpinfo - 0.4pre0.5-2007030400-1 - a small informative web server plugin for olsrd
olsrd-mod-nameservice - 0.4.10-1 - a lightweight hostname resolver plugin for olsrd
olsrd-mod-power - 0.4.10-1 - a power status plugin for olsrd
olsrd-mod-secure - 0.4.10-1 - a message signing plugin to secure olsrd routing domain
olsrd-mod-tas - 0.4.10-1 - a Tiny Application Server (TAS) plugin for olsrd
openldap-utils - 2.2.26-1 - OpenLDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) client utilities
opennet-firmware - 0.11ipkg-13 - The complete Opennet-Firmware in one package
opennet-kmod-brcm-wl - 0.1 - broadcom wl driver with freifunk fixed bssid hack (ad-hoc only, no wep)
opennet-kmod-wlcompat - 0.1 - Compatibility module for using the Wireless Extension with broadcom's wl (works with freifunk fixed bssid hack)
opennet-ugw-trafmon - 0.3 - Traffic Monitoring for Usergateways
opennet-wificonf - 0.1 - Replacement utility for wlconf (works with freifunk fixed bssid hack)
openntpd - 3.7p1-1 - OpenNTPD is a FREE, easy to use implementation of NTP
openser - 1.0.1-1 - OpenSER is a high-performance, configurable, free SIP server.
openser-mod-auth - 1.0.1-1 - authentication support for OpenSER
openser-mod-auth-db - 1.0.1-1 - authentication support against database for OpenSER
openser-mod-auth-radius - 1.0.1-1 - authentication support against RADIUS for OpenSER
openser-mod-avp-radius - 1.0.1-1 - avp_radius support for OpenSER
openser-mod-avpops - 1.0.1-1 - AVPOPS support for OpenSER
openser-mod-dispatcher - 1.0.1-1 - dispatcher support for OpenSER
openser-mod-diversion - 1.0.1-1 - diversion support for OpenSER
openser-mod-flatstore - 1.0.1-1 - flatstore support for OpenSER
openser-mod-gflags - 1.0.1-1 - gflags support for OpenSER
openser-mod-group - 1.0.1-1 - group support for OpenSER
openser-mod-group-radius - 1.0.1-1 - group_radius support for OpenSER
openser-mod-lcr - 1.0.1-1 - Least Cost Routing support for OpenSER
openser-mod-mediaproxy - 1.0.1-1 - mediaproxy support for OpenSER
openser-mod-msilo - 1.0.1-1 - msilo support for OpenSER
openser-mod-mysql - 1.0.1-1 - MySQL support for OpenSER
openser-mod-nathelper - 1.0.1-1 - NAT helper support for OpenSER
openser-mod-options - 1.0.1-1 - options support for OpenSER
openser-mod-pdt - 1.0.1-1 - pdt support for OpenSER
openser-mod-permissions - 1.0.1-1 - permissions support for OpenSER
openser-mod-pike - 1.0.1-1 - pike support for OpenSER
openser-mod-sms - 1.0.1-1 - SMS support for OpenSER
openser-mod-uac - 1.0.1-1 - uac support for OpenSER
openser-mod-uac-redirect - 1.0.1-1 - uac_redirect support for OpenSER
openser-mod-uri - 1.0.1-1 - uri support for OpenSER
openser-mod-uri-db - 1.0.1-1 - uri_db support for OpenSER
openser-mod-uri-radius - 1.0.1-1 - uri_radius support for OpenSER
openser-mod-xlog - 1.0.1-1 - Xlog targets support for OpenSER
openssh-client - 4.4p1-1 - OpenSSH client
openssh-client-utils - 4.4p1-1 - OpenSSH client utilities
openssh-server - 4.4p1-1 - OpenSSH server
openssh-sftp-client - 4.4p1-1 - OpenSSH SFTP client
openssh-sftp-server - 4.4p1-1 - OpenSSH SFTP server
openssl-util - 0.9.8d-1 - OpenSSL (Secure Socket Layer) command line tool
openswan - 2.4.6-1 - Openswan IPSec software
openvpn - 2.0.8-1 - Open Source VPN solution using SSL
openvpn-easy-rsa - 2.0.8-1 - collection of shell scripts to manage a simple CA infrastructure
openvpn-webif - 2.0.8-1 - webif module for OpenVPN
osirisd - 4.2.1-1 - an Host Integrity Monitoring System (scanning agent)
pciutils - 2.2.1-1 - Linux PCI Utilities
pcmcia-utils - 3.2.8-1 - PCMCIA/Cardbus management utilities
pgsql-cli - 7.4.7-3 - Command Line Interface (CLI) to PostgreSQL databases
portmap - 5beta-2 - The RPC Portmapper
ppp - 2.4.3-7 - a PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) daemon (with MPPE/MPPC support)
ppp-mod-pppoe - 2.4.3-7 - a PPPoE (PPP over Ethernet) plugin for PPP
ppp-mod-radius - 2.4.3-7 - a RADIUS plugin for PPP
pppdump - 2.4.3-7 - an utility to read PPP record file
pppstats - 2.4.3-7 - an utility to report PPP statistics
pptp - 1.6.0-3 - a Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) client
pptpd - 1.3.0-2 - a Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) server
procps - 3.2.7-1 - /proc utilities: ps vmstat top slabtop pmap pwdx w kill skill free sysctl tload watch pgrep
psmisc - 22.2-1 - Extra /proc utils: fuser killall pidof pstree
qos-scripts - 1.2.0-0 - QoS scripts for OpenWrt
quagga - 0.98.6-1 - A routing software package that provides TCP/IP
quagga-bgpd - 0.98.6-1 - A BGPv4, BGPv4+, BGPv4- routing engine for use with Quagga
quagga-isisd - 0.98.6-1 - An IS-IS routing engine for use with Quagga
quagga-ospf6d - 0.98.6-1 - An OSPFv3 routing engine for use with Quagga
quagga-ospfd - 0.98.6-1 - An OSPFv2 routing engine for use with Quagga
quagga-ripd - 0.98.6-1 - A RIP routing engine for use with Quagga
quagga-ripngd - 0.98.6-1 - A RIPNG routing engine for use with Quagga
quagga-vtysh - 0.98.6-1 - integrated shell for interacting with Quagga
radiusclient-ng - 0.5.2-1 - RADIUS client
radvd - 0.7.3-1 - Routing Advertisement Daemon for IPv6
rdisc6 - 0.1.4-1 - ICMPv6 Router Discovery tool
robocfg - 0.01-1 - Broadcom BCM5325E/536x switch configuration utility
rsync - 2.6.5-0 - utility that provides fast incremental file transfer
screen - 4.0.2-1 - A 'window manager' for the terminal session
setserial - 2.17-1 - configuration utility for serial ports
shat - 0.9.7-1 - Source Hardware Address Translation - a tool for "nomadic routing"
shfs-utils - 0.35-2 - SHell FileSystem Linux mount/umount utilities
siproxd - 0.5.11-2 - a SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) proxy
sipsak - 0.8.12-1 - a SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) stress and diagnostics utility
snmp-utils - 5.1.2-2 - SNMP client utilities
snmpd - 5.1.2-2 - SNMP agent
strace - 4.5.11-1 - System call trace program
stunnel - 4.16-1 - wrapper for tcp connections to be wrapped in ssl
tc - 2.6.11-050330-1 - iproute2 traffic control utility
tcpdump - 3.9.4-1 - A tool for network monitoring and data acquisition.
tinc - 1.0.4-2 - VPN tunnel daemon
tor - - An anonymous Internet communication system
ttcp - 3.8-1 - A small utility to test TCP connection performance
uclibc - 0.9.27-9 - Standard C library for embedded Linux systems
uclibc++ - 0.1.11-2 - A standard c++ library for embedded systems
ulogd - 1.23-2 - Netfilter userspace logging daemon
ulogd-mod-extra - 1.23-2 - Netfilter userspace logging daemon (extra plugins)
ulogd-mod-mysql - 1.23-2 - Netfilter userspace logging daemon (MySQL plugin)
ulogd-mod-pcap - 1.23-2 - Netfilter userspace logging daemon (PCAP plugin)
ulogd-mod-pgsql - 1.23-2 - Netfilter userspace logging daemon (PostgreSQL plugin)
use-backports - 0.2 - add backport repository to /etc/ipkg.conf
vsftpd - 2.0.4-1 - a fast and secure FTP server
vtun - 2.6-2 - A VPN tunnel daemon
webif - 0.2-1 - A modular, extensible web interface for OpenWrt.
webif-lang-ca - 0.2-1 - Canadian language file for webif.
webif-lang-cz - 0.2-1 - Czech language file for webif.
webif-lang-de - 0.2-1 - German language file for webif.
webif-lang-dk - 0.2-1 - Danish language file for webif.
webif-lang-ee - 0.2-1 - Estonian language file for webif.
webif-lang-es - 0.2-1 - Spanish language file for webif.
webif-lang-fr - 0.2-1 - French language file for webif.
webif-lang-hr - 0.2-1 - Croatian language file for webif.
webif-lang-hu - 0.2-1 - Hungarian language file for webif.
webif-lang-it - 0.2-1 - Italian language file for webif.
webif-lang-nl - 0.2-1 - Dutch language file for webif.
webif-lang-no - 0.2-1 - Norwegian language file for webif.
webif-lang-pl - 0.2-1 - Polish language file for webif.
webif-lang-pt - 0.2-1 - Portuguese language file for webif.
webif-lang-ru - 0.2-1 - Russian language file for webif.
webif-lang-se - 0.2-1 - Swedish language file for webif.
wificonf - 6 - Replacement utility for wlconf
wireless-tools - 28.pre7-1 - Tools for setting up WiFi cards using the Wireless Extension
wl - 3.90.37-1 - Proprietary Broadcom utility for setting wireless driver parameters
wol - 0.7.1-1 - A Program to send magic Wake-on-LAN packets
wpa-supplicant - 0.4.7-1 - WPA Supplicant with support for WPA and WPA2
wput - 0.5-1 - a wget-like command-line FTP client
xinetd - 2.3.13-2 - a powerful and secure superserver
zlib - 1.2.2-2 - an implementation of the deflate compression method (library)
Successfully terminated.


Last modified: Wed Sep 5 17:36:29 CEST 2007